Six Tips for Holiday Eating

As we head into the holiday season, staying on track with our health and wellness goals can be challenging.  Try a few of these tips to help you stay successful throughout the season. 


1. Focus on  Weight Management:  Instead of having a goal to lose weight over the next few weeks, set your goal to not gain any weight. Avoiding weight gain during the holidays can be a win because you won’t have to lose those added pounds a second time.

2. Don’t skip meals: Skipping meals because you are planning to have a celebratory meal can lead to over eating.  Instead, eat throughout the day as you normally would and choose wisely at dinner. 

3. Appetite control: Be mindful of what and how much you are eating and drinking.  Make an attempt to  check in with yourself frequently while eating to make sure you only eat until you are full and not stuffed. 

4. Back away from the table or stay out of the kitchen:  We seem to always want to gather near the buffet table or in the kitchen, be the leader in the group and bring the conversation away from these areas and into safer spaces where you won’t be tempted to nibble.

5. Focus on Family and Friends:  Decide to focus the holiday gathering time on connecting and enjoying the company of those around you rather than all of the food.  Talk more and eat less. 

6. Say “no thank you” politely:  Practice politely declining food or other offers when they may deter from your health and wellness.  Try something like “Thank you, I’ve had plenty, it was all delicious”. 


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